Puzzle - Frida Kahlo - Self-Portrait with Monkeys

  • 1,000 pieces
  • 50 cm x 70 cm
  • 19.5" x 27.5"

About Self-Portrait with Monkeys

  • Monkeys make a constant appearance in Frida Kahlo’s work. In fact, eight of the large number of self-portraits she painted in her lifetime feature spider monkeys.
  • Frida kept monkeys as pets. To her, monkeys symbolized the children that she was never able to bear because of the injuries sustained following a horrific bus accident in 1925.
  • At the time, Frida was teaching at the School of Painting and Sculpture in Mexico City. Due to ill health, she held classes in her home. The class dwindled to only four loyal students, who coined themselves “Los Fridos”. The four monkeys in the painting may represent her students.